Coperor Next Generation MDM: Tight Coupling of Affiliated Data Enrichment

by | May 1, 2021 | Next-Gen MDM

Coperor makes match and merge decisions based on a wide range of data and activities prevalent in healthcare and life sciences workflows. Due to its roots in healthcare and life sciences, the affiliated data sources that Coperor is designed to take advantage of in its algorithms include claims data, data collected in marketing touchpoints (such as phone, mail, web, and call center), clickstream activity followed by various personas, de-identified data from a variety of sources, and more.  

The Gaine Advantage

Affiliated data (which is the way we describe data that is related to master data, but not master data) is valuable to MDM processes in a variety of settings. The ability to “look through” into affiliated data stores when resolving master data profiles provides substantial advantages over traditional approaches.

Contact us for a conversation and explore the possibilities enabled by this ground-breaking capability.


Consider which master data you need to manage that would benefit from supporting data and talk to us about techniques to incorporate this information into your MDM workflows.


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